Sunday, January 25, 2009

School Board refuses to set Recall on a date potentially less expensive to the district

Image: Students for a Better School District, Tioga High School, Groveland, CA

On January 23, 2009 the Big Oak Flat Groveland Unified School District Board held a Special Board Meeting to set a date for the Recall Election. The Tuolumne County Auditor, a professional in the election process, provided a very informative briefing, as to whether the Recall Election should be held on May 5, 2009 or May 28, 2009. It became very obvious that the most feasible date for the Recall Election and the best possibility for the least expensive election is May 5, 2009. However, immediately subsequent to the presentation, obviously with little or no consideration for the facts presented by the Auditor, the School Board voted to hold the Recall Election on May 28, 2009. The Board did completely the opposite of what was the most logical and potentially the most cost effective. This decision by the School Board to select May 28, 2009, instead of May 5, 2009, was certainly not in the best interest of the School District, or, especially, the taxpayers of the Big Oak Flat Groveland Unified School District. It is unknown if the selection of May 28, 2009, instead of May 5, 2009, has anything to do with the Superintendent's contract being up for renewal in 2009.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

This one might leave you astounded...

A board member is confronted with a witness and signed documents that the board member spoke about a teacher issue (discussed in a closed board session) with strangers in a restaurant/bar.